Temporary Impressions.

Was talking to Jones today about something I’ve observed over the past few weeks.. Put simply, I find that people are more attractive when they’re single.

Why? I’ve had some pretty good first impressions of people I’ve met in the past few months/weeks, some of whom are now attached. The difference? When they were single, there was something about them, some sort of charm; but now that they are attached, they seem somewhat, normal, just average. My initial impressions of them seem to have been smeared, sadly.

We came to the conclusion that most people stop making the effort to upkeep their appearance once they’ve found a partner, and that comfortable feeling that comes along with it.

Over time, it’s possible that the person that you managed to impress in the beginning might not find you as impressive/attractive anymore, and then what?

Just cos you’ve found someone who loves you now, doesn’t mean you should stop loving yourself, or love yourself any less. If anything, you’re the only person responsible for yourself.

Don’t take the present for granted. Live in a way that you’ll never have to ask yourself, “What have I become?”